How to use Firebase in your Next.js Project
Stewart Granger Flores - 15 Noviembre, 2020
type: "",
project_id: "",
private_key_id: "",
client_id: "",
auth_uri: "",
token_uri: "",
auth_provider_x509_cert_url: "",
This is where we will get the values of our environment variables.
Now with the necessary keys to configure our project, we will create a file in our project root path named .env.local. Here we will write only the data we need:
FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID = "test-project"
Once this data is created, we can use it in our Lambda functions.
In order to use this configuration we need to install the firebase-admin NPM package, so we will do the following
npm install firebase-admin --save
We create a folder in the root of the project called lib and inside the lib folder we create a file called firebase-admin.js
Here inside we can paste this base configuration
var admin = require("firebase-admin");
try {
credential: admin.credential.cert({
project_id: process.env.FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID,
private_key: process.env.FIREBASE_PRIVATE_KEY,
client_email: process.env.FIREBASE_CLIENT_EMAIL,
databaseURL: "",
} catch (error) {
if (!/already exists/u.test(error.message)) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.error("Firebase admin initialization error", error.stack);
export default admin.firestore();
Note: the databaseURL is in the service accounts window we accessed in the first step.
Now we can use in our Lambda endpoints the database we created in Firestore by importing in our NodeJs environment from Next.js located at /pages/api
import db from "../../../lib/firebase-admin";